Fast Workouts for Busy People

Fast Workouts For Busy People

When it comes to scheduling exercise into your calendar, it can often time feel like shoving a puzzle piece where it doesn’t fit.  Understanding exercise is crucial and quite necessary, it can feel frustrating to struggle with actually finding the time to fit it in. If carving out an hour to make it to the […]

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30 Day Plank Challenge – Small Steps To A Stronger You

30 Day Plank Challenge

This 30 Day Plank Challenge is going to help you tone and strengthen your core muscles! It can be done virtually anywhere and requires no equipment. All you do is a simple, but effective static hold exercise called the plank. In this 30 Day Plank Challenge, you’ll take small steps to a stronger you by […]

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30 Day Squat Challenge – Small Steps To A Stronger You

This 30 Day Squat Challenge is going to help you tone and strengthen your legs as well as other muscles in your lower body, including your glutes! The challenge can be done virtually anywhere and requires no equipment. All you do is a simple, but effective compound exercise called the squat. In this 30 Day […]

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